Wednesday 6 July 2011

Photo_story LA12

Work in progress (Artists story)

Historical conference

Potters at work

My friend Dylan and our bus drive Chris.
I took several photos for this assignment, here they are.

Friday 10 June 2011

LA10 Emilio's Menu

After much trial and error on this one trying to get the menu to fit to A4 page, I decided to go A3 and have it printed to A4. This was after calling a printer company with my problem. This was their suggestion. Then when I went to  blog it, I noticed Rory had done the same.

Sunday 8 May 2011


What is Kerning? I think its a good idea to start with a definition of kerning, in a nut shell, kerning is the act of changing the spacing between individual letters.

Wednesday 4 May 2011


To be printed on off white or cream paper. This is doublesided/folded DL leaflet

Wednesday 6 April 2011


Inspiration I find comes from several avenues. The people around me, my vision of people places and thing.  I love art and being artistic. There is art every where around us. But if I was to mention the Glover exhibition that was on a few weeks ago. These artists really inspired me to create. It is the here and now for me as my moods change. Not one artist or person or event that inspires me could I say was the one and only - I get so much for so many.